Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This is my first blog. I decided to start blogging because I feel I need an outlet of what I have been feeling inside for a long time.This political climate of the last 4 years has escalated into a firestorm of both "Liberals" and "Conservatives" having a war not only against each other but also dragging "We the People" into this chaotic carnage! This might not be so bad. "We the People" have been "politically" sleeping for a very long time!!!!

The Supreme Court is supposed to release their ruling about "Obamacare" tomorrow. If it is found to be unconstitutional; will the POTUS (President of the United States) implement it anyway through executive fiat??? Or...will he spin it some other way to help his re-election?

If it is found to be unconstitutional, will the Republicans/Conservatives take the opportunity to come up with a better healthcare solution???

If it is found to be constitutional, will it speed the Obama administration to work and introduce other dangerous/controversial legislation or  have his executive order "pen" raging out of control of the likes of a bad dream we have never had to deal with in this country??

If it is found to be constitutional, will it spur the "Tea Party" to keep on fighting for smaller limited government, fiscal responsibility, repeal of Obamacare, no more bailouts, immigration reform, energy independence, lower taxes and less regulations for businesses????

Or...................will this be the defining moment and beginning of the death of the U.S.A.????

What if it is found constitutional and Mitt and Congress do not repeal this monster legislation??? Those that oppose this mandate; will they pay the fines? Where do they go for help? What can they do legally to beat this monstrosity? What if there is no legal recourse?

If America turns into a complete Communist State.........where do "We the People" go to escape this nightmare? Do "We the people" escape this or do we do something that we have not done in about 237 years????

Some things to think about........

Prophet of Doom

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